Saturday, June 4, 2011

Building New Book Holder

I didn't pick up the camera until this project was almost done, but Travis truly helped build this. Ms. Krystel started it out by having Travis hand her the rods. Then he would put the screws where they went and tighten the screws. Sometimes I would start to tighten the screw and he woudl finish the job, but other times he would do it all.
This book rack was on sale at Babies R Us today, and we've been needing a place to hold books in Travis's room.
You can see he is helping to put the books away after it is finished. I wish I could say he was eager to pull out a book and read it after this, but no such luck!
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1 comment:

  1. It is amazing that he has learned so fast how to build things. I think he may be taking after his Uncle Mark. :)
