Yesterday the whole family went on a walk, with Travis in and out of the wagon pulled by Dad and Jessica sound asleep in her stroller. While out kicking a ball with Dad, Travis skinned his knee pretty bad. We attended to it and then he was fine, but still very conscious of it. I'm not sure if it hurt still or he was just fascinated by it. So we sat in the driveway where it happened, which is on the other side of the neighborhood. We poured water on it to make it feel better and the homeowners (coincidentally our friends) brought out a band-aid. This seemed to all take quite a while. Then, we're off on our walk again and it was the very next driveway where he skidded sideways and ripped the band-aid in two and lightly skinned the other knee! Poor kid. He's got energy for sure.
Then this morning he bonked his head on something in the house. I was just a few steps away, so instead of crying or anything (he is actually pretty tough), he walked over to me, pointed to the spot on his head that got bumped, then pointed to my lips (almost put his finger on my lips actually), then back to his head again. He was telling me to kiss it and make it better!
What a cutie, and so trusting that Mom can make it all better.
Poor baby, unfortunately I know he will have more, especially being the active boy that he is. Hopefully none will be too bad. Mommy's kiss always is good to fix boo boo's too!! :)