Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chucky Cheese

Went to Chucky Cheese for the first time today. They have a small toddler-aimed playroom off to the side of the main room.
If he had to choose a favorite part, it would probably be climbing up this slide. (We won't tell him he didn't get very far up it!)

Didn't quite figure out the whac part, but intriguing non-the-less. It was more interesting watching other kids play it.

Here we could watch other kids through the little playhouse window.

Had a snack in the main room - just a bit distracting! TJ got some crust of my bbq chicken pizza. Travis enjoyed the main room too, but it is pretty loud and chaotic there so we spent most of our time in the smaller toddler room. It was a great afternoon and I think we'll be going here often.
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1 comment:

  1. I think as he gets older he will enjoy going there more and more. Fun place for kids!
