Friday, October 28, 2011

Airplane Confusion

Travis must have seen us do the airplane thing trying to feed Jessie because I caught him making the sounds doing it with her.

Getting close.

But then he takes it himself. I am not sure if he was teasing her or if he just didn't know how it was supposed to go!

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pulling up to stand!

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Zoo Day

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Today Travis took two rectangle stickers and made a "T" on a paper plate and said "T" ! and pointed to himself...learning T is for Travis.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mr. Mischievious - 2nd photos

Kerry was actually asleep when Travis started adding extra pillows to him, and he slept for at least a half hour after this with everything on top. Daddy gets his naps in no matter what.Posted by Picasa

Mr. Mischievious - first photo

I was away only a moment and came back to find Travis had put this bowl on Jessie's head. The good part was that it fit nicely and she didn't mind.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Scoot / Crawl

We can almost say Jessica is officially crawling, but just almost. It's more of a scoot / drag / crawl / move.

Travis continues to have gentle and kind moments with Jessica. Today I left her with her own bottle in her exersauser while I went to make Travis his bottle. I glanced over and saw Travis was feeding her the bottle, or trying to anyway. Of course, there are also moments when I need to remind him to be gentle with the baby , but all in all his kind nature shows through with her. (Although yesterday I had to think twice about his intentions when he dumped and smashed his cheese puffs (organic semi-healthy!) all over her in the car! He thought it was great fun to pour them on himself as well, so I can only assume he meant no harm. Jessica, however, did not appreciate it. Grandma and I didn't either, as Grandma was the one to vacuum the car immediately after and I of course am still working on the concept of obedience with him.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Travis Sharing & Crib Crashing

Jessica is about 4 1/2 months old. Today I saw Travis try to share with Jessica twice. First, he put an animal cracker in her hand. I explained of course she was too little. Then this evening Travis wanted more animal crackers. Instead, we made sweet potato crackers. He got to lick the bowl since there aren't any eggs. Then he tried to hand the whole big bowl to Jessica!
Also today he climbed into her crib a couple of times. This is getting more common. Lately he likes to climb in there after she wakes up look at her and share a smile. After she's happy and he's happy, he wants her out of there though so he can jump! (It's a short lived but touching moment.)
Krystel told me that this morning when Jessica was sleeping and Travis was in the kitchen with her, Travis quietly disappeared. This could mean many things--from him simply moving to the living room to play or sneaking to our bedroom and hiding behind the curtain to play with a found contraband item. However, Krystel has incredible instincts and she said right away she wondered if maybe he went to hang out with a sleeping Jessica in her crib. Sure enough, that is where she found him quietly sitting in the crib looking at her and eventually gently touching her foot. What a good natured boy we have!

Monday, July 4, 2011