Thursday, March 26, 2020

Jessica's Movie Review: New York Minute

Image result for new york minute movieWe watched the movie New York Minute.  It is a teen comedy on Netflix.  Jane and Roxy are twin sisters.  They have very different personalties.  They take a day off of school an go to the city.  They had lots of funny problems.  In the end, tey be came better friends.
I liked it because it was funny and interesting.  My favorite part of the movie was when the dog got thrown  out of the window.  The movie made me think about what it would be like to have a twin sister.  I think my friends would enjoy this movie because it is funny!  - Review by Jessica

Sunday, October 7, 2012


We are settling into a new bedtime routine at our house.  We have been trying to skip Travis's nap so he goes to bed at 8pm.  It's only been a few days, but so far it's working ok.  Of course we have some crying but not too bad.
There have been a couple of incidents, with the most funny happening last night.  Travis and I put Jessie to bed at 7:45.  After some talking time together, I left Travis in his room at 8:00.  By 8:30, my mommy instincts were talking to me.  I snuck upstairs to notice Jessie's light on. Travis was in her crib talking away, telling her something about how it was her choice to sleep with the light on if she wanted so she wouldn't wake up and be afraid.  She was sound asleep!  I whispered to him he had to go back to his bed and not to wake her up.  He began pleading his case in a loud whisper himself, saying he wanted a sleep over.  By the time we got back into his room, we were still whispering and then he asked, "Why are we talking like this?"
This might be a sign that they will want to share a room sometime soon! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Bedtime Rules

More later on this topic....a couple of stories to record as we teach Travis to stay in his bed with the door open..

Today Travis and I are going to the Chillicothe water sprinkler park to meet friends.  It is his reward for not crying at night and not getting out of bed.  He is still working on that.  This morning Jess woke around 4 am.  I shut Travis's light off at that time.  Around 5:45 am Travis called Mom Mom and got out of bed to tell me Light On!  then thankfully and surprisingly went back to bed!

Jessie words

Jessie's words as of today - about 15 months old - Dada (her favorite person), Mama, that, ba for ball, boo for book, turtle, nana, hot and I'll be watching for more.  Some words she will repeat and then we don't hear them again for a while. Like this morning, she said itch and duck after we read a book and I asked if she had an itch.

Bought big girl undies yesterday..starting potty training today or tomorrow.  Might be a bit early but going to give it a try since she shows signs. 

Going to try to get a few blogs in this month.